Senior UX Designer
Designing tools and experiences for developers, publishers, and creators at Epic Games.
Figma, Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, Origami, InVision, basic HTML/CSS, light photo & video editing (Lightroom, Premiere).
Actively discovering breweries and good food in my new home of North Carolina – nestled right between Raleigh and Durham. Spent a few years in Orlando, a couple years in New York City, and I called Columbia, Missouri home for many more before that. An extremely amateur photographer, a former canned beer collector, and sometimes an okay barista.

Follow along and . Looking for a more traditional portfolio*? Shoot me an — I'd be happy to send you what I've got, as well as a resume & some references.

* Due to company policies, some of my work must be behind a locked file. Reach out and I'll give you the details.